
drying the field Learn more about drying the field

  • When is the best time to dry rice fields?

    When is the best time to dry rice fields?

    Drying the field, also known as roasting, shelving and drying, is a technical measure in rice cultivation. This can enhance lodging resistance and increase seed setting rate and grain weight, so when is the best time for rice to dry? What do you need to pay attention to? The best time for rice field drying

    2020-11-08 Rice drying the field the best time yes when
  • Cover the benefits of rice field drying a few more times is more beneficial to rice?

    Cover the benefits of rice field drying a few more times is more beneficial to rice?

    First of all, because the situation is different in different areas, the situation of drying the field is also different, but the number of drying the field three times is a bit too much, generally speaking, it is enough to dry the field twice at most. Rice drying the field is our classics.

  • How to dry the rice field?

    How to dry the rice field?

    How to dry the rice field? Rice drying is an important measure to improve the soil structure of paddy field, promote the root system of seedlings, enhance the root activity of rice, improve the tenacity and lodging resistance of rice stalk, control ineffective tiller, increase panicle rate, improve field microclimate and reduce the occurrence of rice diseases and insect pests. But...

  • How to dry the rice field? What's the use?

    How to dry the rice field? What's the use?

    How to dry the rice field? What's the use? Please introduce the method of drying rice field is one of the main technical measures to increase yield and promote early maturity of rice. First, the main role of drying field 1, control ineffective tiller, consolidate effective tiller. When the rice tiller has reached a certain number, that is, enough seedlings, our province from the time point of view.

  • How to dry the rice field?

    How to dry the rice field?

    How to apply balanced fertilizer to rice? Please guide the technology of balanced fertilization for rice is a scientific fertilization method to grasp soil fertility through soil test, to apply fertilizer rationally according to the fertilizer demand characteristics of crops, and to promote high yield, high quality and high efficiency of crops. Including organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer.

  • Field Management of dry raising Rice seedlings and transplanting in the Field

    Field Management of dry raising Rice seedlings and transplanting in the Field

    1. Fine field preparation, so that the field is flat and muddy, and an inch of water does not expose mud. 2. Fertilization principle: heavy application of base fertilizer and skillful application of spike and grain fertilizer. The amount of farm manure per mu is not less than 1500 kg. When raking the field, 70% of phosphorus, potash and nitrogen fertilizer are applied at one time, 20% of nitrogen fertilizer is used as tiller fertilizer, and 10% is used as panicle fertilizer (5 ml 10 days before heading). ...

  • Five practical techniques of returning Rice Straw to Field

    Five practical techniques of returning Rice Straw to Field

    1. Technology of short-cut rice straw ploughing and returning to field. The straw is cut manually or mechanically to grow 15cm to 20cm and spread evenly in the rice field. Generally, the amount of dry straw per mu is 200,250 kg, and if early rice straw is returned to the field, the amount of dry straw per mu is 1 × 2 or 2 / mu. After spreading rice straw, on the basis of the original amount of fertilizer, 8: 12 kg of ammonium bicarbonate or 5: 6 kg of urea should be applied as base fertilizer per mu; in the case of cold-soaked fields, 15-25 kg of lime should be applied per mu to accelerate the soft rot of rice straw. Most

  • A brief talk on how to manage water in cultivated rice?

    A brief talk on how to manage water in cultivated rice?

    A brief talk on how to manage water in cultivated rice?

  • Summary on High-yield cultivation techniques of dry cultivation and late planting of Rice

    Summary on High-yield cultivation techniques of dry cultivation and late planting of Rice

    The technology of dry raising rice seedlings has been introduced into Luoquan Town since 1990s. After the stage of experiment, demonstration and extension, through nearly 20 years of production practice, many successful experiences have been obtained from sowing experiments in different soils and different ways. now dry seedling raising technology is a mature new rice seedling raising technology in our town. After the reverse.

  • How to Tillage Rice Field by Machine

    How to Tillage Rice Field by Machine

    Different tillage methods should be adopted according to stubble and soil characteristics, and base fertilizer should be applied according to soil fertility. 1. The stubble field is tilled, and the previous stubble straw is crushed. The straw must be crushed and scattered evenly when the previous crop is harvested. If the straw is not crushed during mechanical harvesting, one more straw crushing operation should be added or the straw should be removed from the field. 2. Drought. Under the condition of suitable soil moisture and moisture content, three methods of stubble cleaning can be adopted: normal rotation (reverse rotation), shallow tillage and harrowing.

  • Remember to do a good job of dry cultivation of rice at 13:00

    Remember to do a good job of dry cultivation of rice at 13:00

    The technology of diskless rice seedling throwing in dry cultivation is a light and cost-saving cultivation technique of rice, which adopts special medicine fertilizer and slow-release super absorbent seed coating agent "dry nursery nanny" to coat rice seeds, raise seedlings in dry condition, and directly throw seedlings in the field after pulling seedlings. The key points of its cultivation techniques are as follows: first, select the right model. In the application of dry cultivation and seedling throwing, the "dry nursery nanny" of seedling throwing type should be selected. Second, determine the dosage. Each bag (350g) "dry nursery nanny" super absorbent seed coating agent coated rice seed 1kg-1.5kg. 3.

  • How to cultivate Rice well

    How to cultivate Rice well

    How to cultivate rice? Please guide if you want to grow rice well, you can refer to the following methods: first, field selection. Choose a blank field with unobstructed drainage and no leakage. Second, broadcast at the right time. The sowing date is late April, and the hybrid rice is sown 1 kg per mu. 80% of the seeds are sown when their breasts are broken and white, which is required to be evenly sown. The valley collapsed after sowing.

  • Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata

    Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata

    Pinellia ternata, also known as Pinellia ternata, is treated with tubers and has the effect of detoxification, detumescence and hemostasis. according to pharmacological tests, its effect is the same as that of Pinellia ternata, but its toxicity is less than that of Pinellia ternata, mainly in Guangxi, especially in Pingnan and Guiping. It is better to plant with deep and fertile sandy loam. Cultivation method one, land selection, soil preparation. Choose paddy field planting with sufficient sunshine, soil fertilizer, convenient drainage and irrigation, and the method of paddy field preparation is the same as that of rice seedling field. Border cultivation is used in dry land cultivation, no matter in paddy field or dry land, it must be fully applied mature organic fertilizer, such as human feces and urine.

  • Technical Essentials of Rice Field Management

    Technical Essentials of Rice Field Management

    In the process of rice growth, every link is more critical. After transplanting rice seedlings, rice has entered the stage of field management. What are the technical points of rice field management? 1. Seedling field management during the second to third day of sowing and plastic film mulching, the humidity of soil moisture should be checked in time.

    2020-11-08 Rice field management technology key points rice growth
  • How to plant rice by chemical weeding in the field

    How to plant rice by chemical weeding in the field

    First, the chemical removal of the seedling field. 1. Fertilizer bed and dry seedling bed. Fertilizer bed dry seedling bed has many weeds and great harm, so it is necessary to grasp the appropriate time for prevention and cure. 42% Xinye EC spray is fully used and the film is covered after spraying for half an hour. For the field with leakage treatment, we can control the watering of the foot plate after the seedling three-leaf stage.

    2020-11-08 Planting rice how field chemistry weeding one rice field
  • Key points of field management 5-7 days before transplanting of dry-raised rice seedlings

    Key points of field management 5-7 days before transplanting of dry-raised rice seedlings

    Dapai Village, Shangguan Town, Dali City, as one of the rice industry demonstration county projects, has a rice area of 1425 mu this year, with an output target of 750kg / mu. In order to achieve high yield and high yield of rice, agricultural technical instructors at city and town levels entered the village, went deep into the fields, and gave serious guidance.

    2020-11-08 Rice drought raising seedlings before planting 5-7 days field management key points as
  • Key points of no-tillage rice seedling throwing operation

    Key points of no-tillage rice seedling throwing operation

    Rice no-tillage seedling throwing refers to a new rice cultivation project in which no-tillage and harrowing rice fields are harvested last season without any ploughing and harrowing, first using herbicides to kill weed plants and irrigating rice seedlings, destroying withered rice piles, irrigating and fertilizing the field, and after the water layer naturally dries or drains shallow water, a new rice cultivation project in which plastic tray seedlings or paper tube seedlings are thrown into the field.

  • Technical operating rules for symbiotic production of green rice by rice and duck

    Technical operating rules for symbiotic production of green rice by rice and duck

    Technical operating rules for symbiotic production of green rice by rice and duck

  • Cultivation techniques of dry cultivation and dry cultivation of Rice

    Cultivation techniques of dry cultivation and dry cultivation of Rice

    Dry cultivation means that when the seedling age of early rice is suitable for throwing and planting, under the condition of drought and lack of water in the field, herbicides are directly sprayed to control weeds, and then holes are burrowed with wooden sticks or ditches are opened with shovels, and then seedlings are transplanted and planted. Key points of cultivation techniques (1) Paddy field treatment: spraying herbicides before planting is optional.

  • How to grow bamboo shoots in the field

    How to grow bamboo shoots in the field

    How to grow bamboo shoots in the field? Jing gives detailed introduction to field planting Dictyophora can refer to the following methods: 1. Cultivation season "D89 Dictyophora" is a mesophilic fungus, the local temperature is stable at 8-28℃ for the cultivation period, the city generally February-April for the sowing period, May-October (temperature is not lower than 16℃) for the long mushroom...
